Help us save Lågendeltaet nature reserve!
On the 10th of February 2023, the Norwegian government announced that it will change the country's strictest environmental law to build a new four-lane highway across the wetland nature reserve Lågendeltaet. We hope you can help us save the freshwater delta by signing this petition.
Signatures from prominent researchers in Norway and beyond:
- Dag O. Hessen, Professor, Biology, Center for biogeochemistry in Anthropocene, University of Oslo
- Arne Johan Vetlesen, Professor, Environmental Philosophy, University of Oslo
- Thomas Hylland Eriksen, Professor, Social Anthropology, ECODISTURB, University of Oslo
- Vigdis Vandvik, Professor, Centre Director, CeSAM Centre for Sustainable Area Management, biodiversity, and ecosystem functions and services, University of Bergen
- Elisabeth Eide, Professor Emerita, Media and climate change, Oslo Metropoltan University
- Nils Chr. Stenseth, Professor, Biology, Ecology and Evolution, University of Oslo
- Tore Slagsvold, Professor, Biology, Bird Ecology, Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis, University of Oslo
- Tom Erik Julsrud, Research Director, Circular economy and transport, Centre for International Climate Research
- Helge Drange, Professor, Oceanography and Climate Research, Universitetet of Bergen
- Eivin Røskaft, Professor, Evolutionary Biology, Department of Biology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
- Rosie Fisher, Senior Researcher, Ecophysiology, Climate, Ecology and Biochemistry, Centre for International Climate Research
- Øystein Aas, Professor, Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management, Norwegian University of Life Sciences
- Arne Klungland, Professor, Department of Microbiology, University of Oslo.
- Tom Andersen, Professor, Aquatic Biology and Toxicology, University of Oslo
- Piotr Skubala, Professor, Soil Ecology and Environmental Ethics, University of Silesia
- Dr. Tammy King, Professor, Chemical Sciences, Environmental Contaminants and Pollutants, Bridgewater State University
- Frode Stordal, Professor Emeritus, Terrestrial ecosystem–climate interactions, University of Oslo
- Ketil Skogen, Senior Researcher, Land use conflicts; Local resource management, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research
- Odd Inge Vistad, Senior Researcher, Environmental Perception; recreational impacts, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research
- Finn Økland, Researcher, Salmon and sea trout; power development; migration biology, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research
- Olav Hjeljord, Professor Emeritus, Norwegian game management; Environmental science and nature management, Norwegian University of Life Sciences
- Anna Beata Seniczak, Researcher, Ecology and Zoology, University of Bergen
- Rune Halvorsen, Professor, Social Policy, Oslo Metropolitan University
- Gunnar Mikalsen Kvifte, Associate professor, Ecology and Biodiversity, Nord University
- Trygve Hesthagen, Senior Researcher, Distribution of freshwater fish in lakes; untouched localities; classification of fish communities based on conservation criteria, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research
- Vegard Gundersen, Senior Researcher, Ecology andForestry research, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research
- Erling Johan Solberg, Senior Researcher, Population and Conservation Ecology, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research
- Øystein Flagstad, Senior Researcher, Conservation biology; Evolution; Population genetics, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research
- Gunbjørn Bremseth, Senior Researcher, Aquatic ecology; Freshwater biology; Behavioral ecology; Riverine salmonids; Lotic fish communities; Anthropogenetic disturbances, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research
- Jan Ivar Korsbakken, Senior Researcher, Climate transition in Norwegian Municipalities; Carbon emissions, Centre for International Climate Research
- Ryan Bright, Senior Researcher, Ecological climatology; Climate metrics for agriculture, forestry and other land use activities, Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research
- Mònica Guillen-Royo, Senior Researcher, Low-carbon societies, Centre for International Climate Research
- Manjana Milkoreit, Postdoctoral fellow, Global environmental governance, University of Oslo
- Kari Anne Bråthen, Researcher, Plant ecology, The Arctic University of Norway
- Oddgeir Andersen, Researcher, Human-nature interactions; Ecology; Protected nature management, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research
- Olga Silantyeva, Postdoctoral fellow, Physical geography; Hydrology, University of Oslo
- Tuva Beyer Broch, Researcher, childhoods, nature and outdoor recreation, Norwegian Institute of Nature Research
- Marius Lambert, PhD, Ecosystem-climate interactions, Universitetet i Oslo
- Madlaina Bichsel, Mapping nature types in Norway; Ecology; Restoration; Ecological restoration, Biofokus (biological diversity; conservation biology for decision-makers)
- Tine Blom, Associate professor, Nature, Sound and Image, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
- Christina Nadeau, Doctoral research fellow, Center for biogeochemistry in Anthropocene - IBV, University of Oslo
- Maria Schiller, Associated professor, Public policy, Erasmus University of Rotterdam
- Tove Nicolaisen, Professor emerita, Religion and life-orientation, Oslo Metropolitan University
- Per. Ivar Kvammen, Associate professor, Biology didacticts, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
- Jing Wei, PhD, Aquatic Biology and Toxicology, University of Oslo
- Clare Andvik, PhD. Aquatic Biology and Toxicology, University of Oslo
- Mats Ippach, PhD. Biogeochemistry and Aquatic chemistry, University of Oslo
A selection of signatures from other notable persons:
- Penelope Lea, Environmental activist, UNICEF-ambassador, author
- Ketil Lund, Supreme Court Justice 1990-2009, Board Director of International Commission of Jurists Norway
- Maya Lunde, author "The History of Bees"
- Nils Petter Faarlund, 1st Class Knight of the Order of St. Olav, nature philosopher, author, civil engineer, mountain climber and outdoor life guide
- Gina Gylver, leader Nature and Youth Norway
- Gert Nygårdshaug, author "Mengele Zoo"
- Norunn Grande, Director, Nansen Centre for Peace and Dialogue
- Kjersti Thoen, Director of finance, Kirkens nødhjelp, Norwegian Church Aid